The Minnesota ADR Handbook: A Guide to Mediation, Arbitration, and Other Processes for Advocates and Neutrals, Linda Mealey-Lohmann, Gary Weissman & Leslie Sinner McEvoy (April 2011 MN CLE) Buy Here
- MN CLE Legal Quick Sheet – Preparing for Mediation: 5 Checklists for Attorneys and Mediators (2016)
- MN CLE Legal Quick Sheet – Tips for Convening and Closing Mediations (2015)
- MN CLE Legal Quick Sheet – Mediation Confidentiality (2015)
- “Using Mediation to Resolve Disputes – Differences between China and the U.S.,” China Insight, June 2010
- Co-author of “Mediation in China,” powerpoint materials for MSBA ADR Section CLE, December 2009
- Co-author of “Pocket’s of Innovation in Minnesota’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Journey,” 33 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 441 (2006)
- “Improving your Employment Mediation Skills,” for MSBA 9th Annual ADR Institute, October 2006
- “China Friendship Gardens in Minnesota” and “Minnesota’s Longstanding Connection with China” in US-China Review, Vol. XXX, No. 1, Winter 2006
- Co-author of “Demystifying Employment Law Mediations,” for MSBA Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute, June 2005
- Co-author of “Tips and Techniques for Resolving Employment Law Cases,” for MSBA Upper Midwest Employment Law Institute, June 2005
- Co-author of “Who Gets What Data When?” in Bench & Bar of Minnesota, April 2003
- Dorsey & Whitney’s 2000 Employment Law Handbook – North Dakota Edition, 2000 Employee Handbook Audit Manual; Revised Dorsey & Whitney’s 1999 and 2002 Employment Law Handbook – Minneapolis Edition
- “Sexual Harassment by Non-Employees–What you do Know can Hurt You,” in Dorsey & Whitney Employment Law Update, July 1998
- “Confidential Ombudsmen Records: Subject to Disclosure in Litigation?” in Dorsey & Whitney Employment Law Update, February 1998, and in Human Resource Professionals of Minnesota, Vol. II, No. 12, June 1998
- “A Flexible Interactive Process for Reasonable Accommodation Under the ADA,” in Dorsey & Whitney Employment Law Update, November 1997
- “Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements in the Non-Union Employment Context,” in Dorsey & Whitney Employment Law Update, March 1997
- “Defending Employment Decisions Based on Factors that Correlate with Age: The Hazen Progeny,” in Dorsey & Whitney Employment Law Update, Summer 1996
- Co-author with J. Marquis Eastwood, “Jury Instructions and Special Verdict Forms for Sexual Harassment Cases,” MCLE Employment Law Resource Booklet, (1995)
- Note, “English-Only Rules and ‘Innocent’ Employers: Clarifying National Origin Discrimination and Disparate Impact Theory Under Title VII,” 74 Minn. L. Rev. 398 (1989)