- Adjunct Professor of ADR (and Advanced Mediation and legal writing) William Mitchell College of Law (2005 to 2014, 2017 to 2018)
- Taught “Comparative Negotiation and Dispute Resolution: Tackling Cross Cultural Disputes,” William Mitchell College of Law’s Summer London 2012 Program (BPP Law School, London) (summer 2012)
- Presented “American Legal System & Law School System” lecture at Beijing Technology and Business University 北京工商大学 [in attendance, Professor Daoyuan LIU, Vice Dean Lai Ming LU, Susan Chasan PENG, among others] (January 2012)
- “Mediation Ethics: Caucus Conundrums,” MN CLE 22nd Annual ADR Institute (October 2019)
- MN CLE Arbitration Best Practices; panelist for “Creative Approaches to Conducting the Hearing” and “Effective Arbitration Advocacy” (August 2019)
- “Mediation Ethics: Caucus Conundrums,” ABA Dispute Resolution Conference (April 2019)
- “How to Successfully Mediate Employment Cases,” MN CLE Webcast (February 2019)
- “Certified Civil Arbitration Training,” MN CLE, planner and co-presenter (November 2017, 2018 and 2019)
- “Suggestions from the Mediators: Making Mediation More Successful for You and Your Clients,” MN CLE Employment Law Institute (May 2017)
- “Mediation Preparation for Attorneys & Mediators,” with co-presenter Toni Newborn, MN CLE ADR Institute (October 2016)
- “Mediation Ethics & Confidentiality,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, CMRS Mediation Training (October 2016)
- “Innovative Techniques in Arbitration,” panelist, MN CLE (July 2016)
- “Effective Arbitration Advocacy for the Hearing: Arbitrators Share What Works and What Doesn’t,” panelist, MN CLE (July 2016)
- “The Complete Lawyer: ADR Essentials,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, MN CLE Webcast (July 2016)
- “ADR Series: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare – An Attorney’s Guide to a More Productive Mediation,” MN CLE Webcast, with co-presenter Toni Newborn (April 2016)
- “How to Manage Client Expectations in your Next Employment Law Mediation – For Attorneys and Mediators,” MSBA ADR and Employment Law Sections, moderator (April 2016)
- “Eight Ways to Make the Most of Arbitration,” panelist, MN CLE webcast (February 2016)
- “Tips for Convening and Closing Mediations,” MN CLE ADR Institute (October 2015)
- “Mediation Ethics: Confidentiality in MN,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, Community Mediation & Restorative Services CLE (May 2015)
- “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure: 10 Tips for Resolving Workplace Disputes,” with co-presenter Madge Thorsen, MN CLE Employment Law Institute (May 2015)
- “Ten Ways Corporate Counsel can Make the Most of Arbitration,” Panelist, MSBA Corporate Counsel Section CLE (April 2015)
- “Using Mediation to Manage & Resolve Homeowner Conflicts,” CAI-MN Community Associations Institute Trade Show (February 2015)
- “Rule 114 Ethical Dilemmas for Community Mediators,” Dispute Resolution Center (December 2014)
- “Conflict Resolution Skills for HR Professionals,” HRx Mastery Seminar (November 2014)
- “Ethical Dilemmas for Mediators: What Would You Do?” Moderator, MN CLE ADR Institute (October 2014)
- “Mediation is Confidential, Right?” MN CLE Employment Law Series Webcast, with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy (October 2014)
- Arbitration Coach for “Certified Civil Arbitration Skills,” MN CLE (May and October 2014)
- “Mediation as an Alternative to Litigation in Hennepin County,” with co-presenters Hon. Ned Wahl and Hon. Mickey Greenburg (ret.), HCBA CLE (May 22, 2014)
- “Mediation is Confidential, Right?” MN CLE Employment Law Institute, with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy (May 19, 2014)
- “How to be Effective in Mediation: Mediators’ Perspectives,” MN CLE’s MN State District Court Civil Practice Deskbook CLE, with co-presenter Hon. J. Gilbert (ret.) (April 14, 2014)
- “ADR Online: Building Better Websites for ADR Professionals,” panel member, MN CLE 2013 ADR Institute (October 25, 2013)
- “Managing Emotions in Employment Law Mediations,” with co-presenter Becky Omdahl, MN CLE Employment Law Series webcast (October 21, 2013)
- “Mediating in a Diverse Workplace,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, Association for Conflict Resolution National Conference (October 10, 2013)
- “Efficient, Effective and Affordable Commercial ADR (Really!),” with co-presenter Patrick Burns, Association for Conflict Resolution National Conference (October 9, 2013)
- “ADR Processes in MN: Making the Most of our Smorgasbord of Options,” with co-presenter Leslie Sinner McEvoy, MSBA ADR Section CLE (October 8, 2013)
- “ADR Hot Topics: Workplace Conflict Facilitation-Getting to the Heart of the Matter,” with co-presenter Mariann Johnson, MN CLE Webcast (May 2013)
- “Mediation Advocacy and Ethics,” with co-presenter David Allgeyer, Conflict Resolution Minnesota Annual Conference (April 2013)